Tag: Transformation

Scrum master’s impossible triangle

Inspired by Vekantesh Rao’s article on Thingness and Thereness, I saw a Penrose triangle as an excellent model for visualizing the key loci on which the organizational life of a Scrum Master unfolds. For organizations that have more than one Scrum Master, these loci are the Scrum Community (Community),...

When a Manager is not Agile (but thinks he is)

Imagine you are an external Agile consultant invited to improve Scrum in a team. A product owner is a head of this department. Let’s call him Alex. Alex says a lot about self-organization and business agility and then during Sprint planning you observe this guy suppressing team’s initiatives, micromanaging,...

V for Vendetta (and A for Agile)

This post in some ways extends Why Scrum does not work (and what can we do about it). Today I was thinking on why do I feel discouraged by many of Agile transformation stories, and a speech by Slavoj Žižek “How To Rebel” came to my mind. In this speech he...